<aside> 💡 This tutorial requires interfacing with micro SD card.

In order to interface with micro SD card, you will either need a micro SD card slot on your computer, or a micro SD card reader.


Step 1: Remove the micro SD card from your robot and plug into your computer


Step 2: Open the SD card on your computer, navigate to lib/config/


Step 3: Open the file robot-config.json with a text editor.

Alternatively, open the file using any IDE that you have (VSCode, Sublime Text, etc.)

If this is the first time you connect the robot to the internet, this is the content of the file.


Step 4: Input the name of WiFi access point you want to connect to into the quotation marks next to “ssid” and input the password of the WiFi into the quotation marks next to the "password" as shown below (for simplicity, we are only showing the json part that you need to make edit to here):

{"ssid": "YOUR SSID", "password": "YOUR PASSWORD"}

For example, if you are trying to connect to the WiFi with the name Hello CYOBot with the password cyobot123, this is how the file content should look like:

{"ssid": "Hello CYOBot", "password": "cyobot123"}

<aside> ⚠️ Notice that there are double quote “ ” at the beginning and ending of your WiFi information


The file content should then look like this:


Step 5: Save and close the file, safely eject your micro SD card from your computer, plug it back into the robot.

Step 6: Turn on the robot. If the robot connects to the WiFi successfully, you will hear a tune coming from the robot, together with a green LED ring. Then, the IP address of the robot will be shown on the LED screen. Hold down the left and right buttons to scroll the IP address across the screen to view.


Your robot is now connected to the internet!