<aside> ⚠️ The microcontroller is currently running MicroPython firmware. If you override the firmware with C/C++ firmware, you will no longer be able to access the robot using internal coding Portal or using MicroPython for development. If you want to reinstall MicroPython to the robot, setup USB connection using Establish USB connection and then refer to this instruction on our GitHub repository.


The robot is running an ESP32 microcontroller. We can use Arduino IDE or any other C/C++ IDEs with ESP32 support to develop C/C++ applications for the robot.

Arduino IDE

  1. Download Arduino IDE from https://www.arduino.cc/en/software

  2. Install Arduino IDE for your computer. Open Arduino IDE once installation is finish


  1. In Arduino IDE, go to File > Preferences

  2. Enter the following into the Additional Board Managers URLs: https://dl.espressif.com/dl/package_esp32_index.json

    Then click OK


  1. Open Board Manager by navigating through Tools > Boards > Board Manager

  2. Search for ESP32 and click install for ESP32 by Espressif Systems. Once installed, there will be a green INSTALLED label next to the package


  1. Select the board ESP32 Dev Module from the Tools > Board, make sure that the configuration is similar to the image shown below


  1. Refer to the SDK repository to get sample code in C/C++.